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Battle with primordial evil


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#1 Thori



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Отправлено 18 августа 2024 - 15:58

For a long time, no one remembered Sailren, it was believed that this ferocious prehistoric dinosaur sank into oblivion along with its relatives many centuries ago. But recently, rumors have begun to spread that an ancient evil has awakened and again threatens the peaceful existence of the inhabitants of the Primeval Island.
King Elmore summons all free warriors and magicians to organize a campaign against Sailren. By participating in the campaign against primitive evil, volunteers will be generously rewarded. Among the riches that Sailren guards, you can find:
Highest Rank Life Stone - Level 85 (several pcs.)
Blessed Scroll: Modify Weapon (S) (Multiple Pieces)
Blessed Scroll: Modify Armor (S) (several pcs.)
Scroll: Modify Weapon (S) (multiple pcs.)
Scroll: Modify Armor (S) (several pcs.)

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